I'm not going to give much detail, but, as the title says, this actually happened to me today.
I get a phone call (caller I.D. shows a local LA #):
ME: "Hello"
OTHER PERSON: "Who is this?"
ME: "Excuse me?"
OTHER PERSON: "Who is this (sharply)"
ME: "Um, Who is this?"
OTHER PERSON "Is this a private residence?"
ME: "I'm sorry but I'm not going to answer that unless you tell me who you are (needless to say, i did not say this very warmly)."
OTHER PERSON: Hangs up. Dial tone.
Freaky, right? Well, I sort of let it pass until tonight when it got dark and of course it seemed more creepy to me. So I decided to do a little internet search of the phone number just to make sure it didn't come from "assassins 'r us" or something like that. So after paying a small fee (at this point, I HAD to know) I found out who it was.
You wanna know who it was?
Well, i'm not going to say, exactly. I'll just say that it was the CEO of one of the biggest movie production companies in Hollywood. Like this person has definitely produced LOTS of really big award winning films. Not only that but it's their home phone # in Beverly Hills.
So basically, to summarize: Big film producer mistakenly calls young unknown aspiring filmmaker who tells him off.
sounds like a movie....