Hey everybody,
So i keep hearing from people who are wondering when the music video is going to be released, and I've been wondering the same thing, but have been met by frustrating silence from the record label. Finally i found out that a few months ago two of the band members decided to leave the band (which is now public knowledge), so everyone, including the label, had to keep quiet while they were on tour. Unfortunately, this also put a halt to the video release. I spoke with the record label and the band, and they both love the video and want to get it up soon, but it's just a crazy time for them now.
Unfortunately, I do not own the rights to video, and it would be a violation of my contract to post it on the internet, so the waiting game will have to continue.
There were many people who worked really hard to make the video happen, and some of them probably check in to my blog, so if you're one of those people thank you so much for your help and sorry you haven't been able to see the fruits of your labor yet.
On a more positive note, showing the video to a few agencies in LA landed me a commercial directing job and another music video. The next music video is with Charlotte Martin and should be ready in early september, so maybe you'll see the second before the first. I'll post as soon as they're out so check in every now and then.
YAY...can't wait to see it Peter! I've heard the song on the radio in New Mexico and in Colorado and it reminds me of fun filled Trader Joes shopping with Bethany (where we went food shopping crazy) and bubble gum soap. :)
hey pete, i just read about this...sounds like you're learning a lot right now about how things go with the music industry...keep in mind that i've always wanted to direct/produce a documentary...something to think about for way down the road, but it's on my life goals list :) perhaps someday we could join forces.
can't wait to see both the old and new!!
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